They can replace brick walls to lower the cost and construction time
These can be used as structural material to construct overhead water tanks
Scope and Market size
India is set to become the third largest construction market in the next two-three years, as per union minister of commerce and industry.
Conventional brick wall constructions cost around Rs. 2500 per sq.m. inclusive of plastering and finishing. Shashee’s load bearing panels will cost about 10 to 15% less and can be installed much faster.
The readymade over-head water tank market is dominated by roto-moulded HDPE tank (“SINTEX” tanks). The India market size for these tanks estimated to be around Rs 5,000 crore and the industry is growing at a CAGR of 9%. Sintex holds 50% of the organised market while Vectus holds 16% and Supreme Industries 6%.
However, these tanks have an economic size limitation of only up to 10,000 litres. FRP Composite panel tanks can be constructed in situ with capacities up to 100,000 liters. They will also be cost effective compared to HDPE tanks on per litre basis.
FRP Composite panel tanks can be constructed in situ with capacities up to 100,000 liters.